SNPStats Feedback Form
How many years have you been using SNPStats?
Less than one
Between one and three
More than three
Have you ever published a peer-reviewed manuscript where you have used SNPStats in your analysis?
If you could choose, you would prefer SNPStats to be (please check all that apply):
Easier to use
Please explain briefly
Please explain briefly
More complete in terms of available statistical analyses
Please explain briefly
More complete in terms of user interface/experience (i.e., having user accounts with your own data, results of previous analyses, improved result delivery, etc)
Please explain briefly
Portable to multiple types of devices (i.e., computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.)
Please explain briefly
Please let us know your comments or what other things you would like to see in the future SNPStats version
If you would like to receive updates about the development status of SNPStats2 and eventually become an early beta tester, please do not hesitate to give us your e-mail address so we can keep you informed:
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